The product
- Customized training in presence of expert(s)
- Training aids: theoretical courses and practical work
- Passing on SERTIT’s expertise in geomatics and remote sensing through training courses adapted to specific needs
- Sharing technical and organizational expertise for the operational management of risks and natural resources
For who?
- Organization expert in remote sensing and novice in thematics
- Organization novice in remote sensing and expert in thematics
- At SERTIT or on customer’s premises
- Free and open-source tools preferred, but adaptable to the customer’s production environment
- Practical work based on historical and current case studies
- French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
- AIRBUS DS GEO – GISTDA (Thaïlande)
- Descartes Underwriting (France)
- Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale (Maroc)
- SENAI (Brésil)