
services Sertit 

SERTIT offers different levels of service for receiving and using geographic data.

Thematic applications

ICube-SERTIT responds to societal needs by offering solutions to sustainable development issues such as regional planning, natural resource management, the environment and risk management.

Custom training

ICube-SERTIT can pass on its expertise in geomatics and remote sensing through tailor-made training courses.

Our services

SERTIT Cartographie rapide

Rapid mapping

Earth observation Humanitarian disaster Natural disaster
carte hydrographique


Blue infrastructure Ecology Environment Epidemiology Flooding Risk
Couvert forestier

Forest cover

Fires Forest Forest Dieback Green infrastructure Land property Resources Species Sustainable development

Clear cuts

Clearing Deforestation Forest Green infrastructure Land property Resources Sustainable development
Carte risques et reconstruction SERTIT

Land use / Land cover

Blue infrastructure Ecology Environment Green infrastructure Land planning Urban planning Vulnerability