SERTIT’s Rapid Mapping Service (RMS) has been ISO 9001 certified since 2011 for the production of crisis and emergency geoinformation under time constraints. This is a guarantee of quality and conformity of the products and services provided with respect to the specifications of its customers.
Leveraging its 11 years of RMS certification, SERTIT decided in 2022 to extend its quality management system certification to all of its services and R&D work. All 5 main activities are now labeled ISO 9001:
- Production of crisis and emergency geoinformation for civil protection, defence, security, and insurance sectors with publication within strict delays after satellite data reception,
- Production of geoinformation concerning natural risks and post-event recovery,
- Production of geoinformation for forestry, land use management, and water surfaces monitoring applications,
- Design and implementation of training programs in the field of Earth Observation and geomatics,
- Development of innovative applications in the Earth observation field.
Serving and continuously improving our service to our clients, users, and partners while meeting their needs in terms of innovation, quality and delay are essential to SERTIT.
Thanks to AFNOR for their partnership in this endeavour.